"Live Happily" workshops
Instruction • Training • Direction • Support
The workshops:
Love Your Life Workshop - Personal growth and self-awareness development workshop.
The Heart Connection Workshop - Improving and developing relationships workshop.
The Will to Move on Workshop - Support workshop for people who have experienced traumatic situations.
"Sharon" Workshop - activity workshop for children suffering from Down's Syndrome.
All workshops combine multi-disciplinary consultancy, which includes:
· Astrological Consulting – Birth date chart analysis and characteristic patterns
· Name based numerology analysis
· Palm based virology Diagnostic
· Personal training program
· Assorted cards analysis
·Personal guidance
The workshop program
The workshops include a rich variety of tools, activities and exercises, such as:
· Sound and color meditations, specifically tailored to workshops topics
· Using senses to improve the level of absorption and interest
· Sound and text guidance
· Color, shape and sound linkage
The workshops are accompanied by the following aids:
· Presentations
· Conversations
· Songs specifically written to be integrated in workshop programs
· Articles
· Games
· Movement and humor
Samples with morals (Case Studies) will be used during workshops. Those samples are mainly based on personal life experiences.
Workshops will be customized based on customer’s needs.
Workshops’ Key benefits:
The workshops improve participants’ quality of life through learning the method of correct daily balance between daily activities at home, work, social and the inner self.
The workshops develop participants’ positive thinking, changing negative thinking patterns and timing situations in life to one’s favor. The workshops contribute to improvement of participants’ communication skills and self-recognition of the ability to understand, accept, admire, love and appreciate what is around them.
Participants learn how to live their lives happily and make the most out of it.